Baby Sleep – The 4-month sleep regression does not exist

If you have a new baby, you’ve most likely been told to prepare yourself for what many people call the “dreaded 4-month sleep regression”. This is the point when people say all babies suddenly start struggling to sleep well – as if all the sleep skills they’ve been developing since they were born have gone […]
Self-settling basics for baby and toddler sleep

All healthy babies and children can fall asleep easily and independently – if we allow them to. Being able to drift off to sleep by themselves in response to their natural tiredness, and put themselves back to sleep when they rouse between sleep stages, is known as self-settling and is a skill you can help […]
Raising a Newborn: It’s All About Balance

If you’ve recently had a new baby join your family or your little one will be with you soon, congratulations! Having a newborn was one of the most wonderful experiences I’ve ever had, and like for many other parents, it was also one of the most challenging. In this article: What your newborn needs Newborn […]
Taking the Emotion out of Sleep

Baby and child sleep can be an emotional topic, and as a parent who struggled with sleep deprivation, I completely understand why. When you – the adult – are exhausted from battling to get more than a few hours of solid, uninterrupted sleep night after night, week after week, even month after month, it feels […]
Baby & Child Sleep – The power of routine and consistency

One of the keys to success with sleep is, without a doubt, following a consistent daily routine. Now, the first thing to understand is that ‘routine’ is not the same as ‘schedule’. It’s a common misconception that following a routine means watching the clock – but it’s actually all about following your little one’s natural […]
Baby & Child Sleep Aids: Help or Hindrance?

Though it might not feel like it sometimes, your baby or child is wired for sleep. In fact, we all are! The reason most babies don’t sleep well is that they’re up against a roadblock or two – something in their environment that’s not allowing them to sleep according to their natural pattern. One of […]
Little one early morning rising? Here’s how to fix it.

If you have a little one waking to start each day between 4 and 5 am, you’re not alone! Many of the families I support come to me in this situation. Their babies or children wake up between 4 and 5am, and they can’t get back to sleep. It might not seem like an issue […]
Baby Catnapping – is it normal?

Hands up if you have a baby who seems to love to catnap! And hands up if people keep telling you “it’s normal” and you just have to deal with it. If this is you, you’re absolutely not alone. There are many babies out there taking catnaps day in, day out, and there are just […]