Achieve sleep success for your whole family.

Baby & Child Sleep – The power of routine and consistency

Happy baby who is in a good routine

One of the keys to success with sleep is, without a doubt, following a consistent daily routine.

Now, the first thing to understand is that ‘routine’ is not the same as ‘schedule’. It’s a common misconception that following a routine means watching the clock – but it’s actually all about following your little one’s natural pattern of activities as they occur each day, and doing so consistently. Your baby may not come with a manual, but if you watch closely, they do come with an inbuilt routine! If you let them lead as they follow their natural sleep–feed–wake cycles, before long, their natural pattern will become familiar and help you get through the day together as a team.  

So why are routine and consistency important? Well, babies and children – and even a lot of adults – find a sense of security in routine. When we understand what’s happening next and learn what’s expected of us, we’re able to feel more comfortable and secure.

Every single day, babies and children experience new things. A new taste or smell, a sound they’ve never heard before, or a face they’re seeing for the first time – there’s so much going on around us, and for little ones, a lot of it is brand new and incredibly stimulating. The trouble is, it can also be hugely overwhelming, and this then starts to make them feel uncomfortable in their surroundings. When this happens, following a familiar routine helps them to feel safe and secure again.

Sometimes families resist following a routine because they think it will be restrictive and difficult to manage, but in actual fact, creating stability is one of the best ways to help your whole family cope better on those days when you need to break from your usual pattern.

The other reason families can be reluctant to try is that they don’t know where to start. My best advice for this is to remember you’re trying to work WITH your baby or child by tapping into their natural, free flowing sleep / feed and wake cycles, not against them! I offer a variety of educational resources to help you tailor a basic routine for your little one that’s based on their natural daily patterns of sleeping, feeding or eating, and being awake.

When your routine is established, you’ll have a better idea of what your little one needs and when, which will make you all feel happier and make life a lot easier. Honestly, you’ll wonder how you ever survived without it!

The information in this Blog Article relates to healthy babies and children with no undiagnosed, untreated medical issues or concerns. If you have any concerns about the health of the baby or child in your care, please see their GP or paediatrician.

For more sensible, straightforward, safe advice and resources on getting your family the sleep you all deserve, explore my website –

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